[Coin-ipopt] Ipopt C++ version

Kirk Abbott kabbott at prosrm.com
Fri Oct 8 12:56:57 EDT 2004

Hello All,

I just read about the new C++ version in development. Is there still going
to be a C interface to the C++ code? I am thinking ahead here... Java
interfaces easily to 'C' but much less so to 'C++' because of the name
mangling rules used by different compilers. This used to be case at any
rate... I don't know if things have changed.

Please let me know.

-With the current Fortran version of the code this is not quite
-straight-forward.  Admittedly, the code is a bit messy...  If you want,
-you could try to have a look at the subroutine OPTERROR in the file
-error.F, which implements the current calculation of the optimality error.
-We are working in a complete reimplementation of Ipopt in C++, which
-should be much easier to understand and more modular, and with that it
-would be much easier to replace the stopping criteria (we hope to have a
-beta version out soon).  Anyway, we can continue the discussion offline
-(not over the mailing list) if you want.




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