[GAMSlinks] Hi
Stefan Vigerske
stefan at math.hu-berlin.de
Wed Nov 14 15:07:02 EST 2007
no, it should not affect any other files in the GAMS system.
If you have a recent GAMS release then it already includes a version of
the Ipopt solver named COINIPOPT, but the one that will be installed by
gmsip_.zip will be known as IPOPT to GAMS, so you will have both
installed in parallel.
If you want to be sure, then you can also have a look which files are
included in gmsip_.zip (it should be something like gmsip_ux.out
gmsip_us.run and install/gmsip_un.dat for Unix-like systems).
Copying gmsip_.zip into the directory of your GAMS distribution and
calling gamsinst will unpack the zip file and start the configuration
dialog where you can setup a default solver for each model type. If you
just keep the defaults there, then also this behaviour should not change.
Btw, I see that you have been using the 0.2 branch of the GAMSlinks.
A few weeks ago I made a new 0.3 stable version. The changes that
concern Ipopt are marginal, so I think 0.2.2 should be fine. But in case
that you want to use also Clp, Cbc, Glpk, or Bonmin, I suggest to use
the GAMSlinks 0.3 stable revision. Unfortunately, until now this
revision is only available via subversion, because I have not made a new
release (0.3.0) yet (because I depend on a pre-stable revision of
Bonmin). However, as mentioned, for Ipopt the changed from 0.2 to 0.3
are marginal, and using GAMSlinks 0.2.2 and maybe HSL as Ipopts linear
solver is a good idea :-).
Roy wrote:
> I want to install IPOPT solver in GAMS, and I downloaded the GAMSlink from the
> source and got the following version:
> GAMSlinks-0.2.2.zip
> <http://www.coin-or.org/download/source/GAMSlinks/GAMSlinks-0.2.2.zip>
> 26-Oct-2007 03:01 6.0M
> It seems that I did the right things following the instructions of installation,
> finally I got the follwoing files in bin:
> gmscc_.zip gmscg_.zip gmsip_.zip
> According to the instruction, I am supposed to do the following:
> "To install them in your GAMS system, you copy these files into the GAMS system
> directory and call gamsinst there. gamsinst will then unpack the files and makes
> GAMS aware about the new solvers . "
> I am just wondering, if I cope these three files into the GAMS system directory,
> and call gamsinst there, will this affect other files which have already been
> installed, such as other solvers or license files? Becasue the GAMS system we
> own is a licensed version for Universities and I don't want to have any effect
> over others usage of GAMS.
> Thanks a lot
> Roy
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Stefan Vigerske
Humboldt University Berlin, Numerical Mathematics
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