[Csdp] Differences between versions 5 and 6

Brian Borchers borchers at nmt.edu
Thu Feb 28 14:59:28 EST 2008

>I am curious whether these differences are due to the use of different 
>compilers or changes in the code: are there any other differences 
>besides the use of OpenMP? is there a document explaining the changes?

Without examining the problems and the output from both versions of
the code, it's difficult to say exactly what could be the cause of
this improvement in performance.
There were relatively few changes to the code between version 5 and
version 6 of CSDP, and on a single processor machine the OpenMP stuff
should make no difference in performance.  If you see that both
versions 5 and 6 used about the same number of iterations then I'd bet
that any improvement is due to using a more highly optimized set of
BLAS/LAPACK libraries when the newer version of CSDP was built.

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