[Csdp] Differences between versions 5 and 6

Nestor Aguilera aguilera at santafe-conicet.gov.ar
Thu Feb 28 15:21:36 EST 2008

I have been running the standalone CSDP version 5 on a 1.33 GHz G4 
PowerPC (Mac OS X 10.3.9), and now I started using version 6 for G4 - 
Mac OS X 10.4, which seems to be working fine on the old operating 
system (as hinted in <https://projects.coin-or.org/Csdp/>).

However, there are minor differences in the output, and depending on 
the problem, version 6 may take as low as 2/3 of the time version 5 
uses for the same problem.

I am curious whether these differences are due to the use of different 
compilers or changes in the code: are there any other differences 
besides the use of OpenMP? is there a document explaining the changes?



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