[CppAD] Change to VecAD specifications

Brad Bell bradbell at seanet.com
Thu Dec 1 10:23:29 EST 2005

Mark Bravington had some interested questions that he is willing to 
share with the mailing list:

Mark.Bravington at csiro.au wrote:

>Hi Brad
>Thanks for email. Loss of [ and ] would cause me some usability and
>translation problems (but see below). Could you introduce a "safe"
>vector class instead (or just add set & get as alternatives?), for those
>who really need the offending optimizer? Or rewrite internally using set
>& get, but have an inherited "easyvector" class which adds [ and and []=
>as synomyms? Then the rest of us could continue to access vectors as

In reaction to Mark's comments,
I attempted to isolate the exact cause of the problem.
While the problem does show up when using VecAD,
I am no longer convinced that VecAD is the cause.
I have found a way around it (for now) with out
changing VecAD. See the heading 12-01 in 
(which will not be available until tomorrow)

>The main reason is the pain involved in losing features
>available to me in Delphi (based on libraries I've written), such as
>arbitrary starting points for vectors, multi-dimensional arrays, and
>automatic memory management. Obviously, none of these features are
>essential, but the cumulative impact on usability (speaking purely for
>myself, and specifically because of the particular style of programming
>I've adopted) has been enough to deter me from serious use so far.
>Vector access would be another impact on usability and translation of
>existing code, I guess.

CppAD intends for you to use your a vector template class of your choice. 
One of the best such classes are provided by the uBLAS package
If during the CppAD install
you specify the
option on the configure command line, 
the uBLAS vector class will be 
tested during the install procedure.

An ADFun<Base> object defines a mapping
F: R^n -> R^m
that is locally equal to a C++ algorithm:

Computing the dependent variables for such a function object can take 
a significant amount of time.
The VecAD class is intended to extend the domain limits for which
the ADFun object is a valid representation of the C++ algorithm.
If you do not obtain higher speeds using VecAD, you should not use it.
An example of such a test can be found in
which can be run as part of the Speed tests.

>I'm actually about to ...
>investigate whether extensions to CppAD vector classes
>along the above lines are possible, via redefining the vector class as
>the documentation indicates somewhere.

Any Simple Vector class with elements of type AD<Base>
can easily be used directly with the CppAD package.
Thus, if your multi-dimensional array package is extended to be such a 
class, you could use it.

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