[Couenne] Possible bug in adding branching objects

Pete Janes ppjanes at gmail.com
Tue Jun 8 05:06:38 EDT 2010

Hi Pietro,

I notice that there might be a bug in the way Couenne adds new branching
objects in main/BonCouenneSetup.cpp. Here, an object associated with an
exprVar is added:

continuousSolver_ -> addObjects (nobj, objects)

if 1) it is an integer variable, or 2) it has at least another variable
which is dependent on it. I think the problem lies with the way the
dependency determined in problem/fillDependence.cpp as it does not consider
a linear variable as a dependent. For example:

w_3 = x_1 ^ 2
w_4 = w_3 + w_2

w_4 is clearly dependent on w_3, but the dependency graph does not include
this relationship as w_4 is linear. This is seen in the code
in problem/fillDependence.cpp:

for (std::vector <exprVar *>::iterator i = variables_.begin ();
       i != variables_.end (); ++i) {

    if (((*i) -> Type () == AUX)                           // consider aux's
&& ((*i) -> Image () -> Linearity () > LINEAR)) {  // and nonlinear

This affects how the number of infeasibilities are counted, as
checkInfeasibilities() is only called on branching variables. This means
that some solution calculated by CLP may be accepted as a solution to the
primal problem, when they are actually infeasible. I am using an old
modified version of Couenne, but I have checked the latest source code. I am
not sure why I didn't notice this problem before.


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