[Coin-discuss] About OsiModel (and OSI)

Luiz Carlos da Costa Junior lcjunior at ufrj.br
Mon Jan 9 08:17:57 EST 2012


I have just subscribed to coin-discuss list and I would like to know about
the status of OsiModel implementation (if any).
I've been roughly following the OSI project and now I am intending the get
closer by implementing a model on the top of it.

I read some nice (but old) ideas on the web regarding a possible class to
represent a model (
http://list.coin-or.org/pipermail/coin-discuss/2002-July/000165.html and
http://www.coin-or.org/Presentations/CORS2004-OSI.pdf) but I couldn't find
anything about this in the OSI SVN repository.
Would anyone know if these ideas have been push forward?

And how about the OSI project itself?
I find that the project purpose is extremely interesting however I can't
understand why I could't find lots of references of its usage in the web.

Finally, I would like to congratulate all project creators
and maintainers for this excellent work.

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