[Coin-discuss] which package would you recommend for an LP with cut generation?

Craig Schmidt craig at craigschmidt.com
Fri Jun 24 15:13:00 EDT 2011

Hi There,

I was hoping to get some recommendations for picking a COIN package.  I would like to solve an LP problem with cut generation.  I need to solve a series of LP's.  At each step, I'll fix some variable founds, and generate some violated cuts.  Then I resolve, and do it again until we terminate.  There are no integer or binary variables, so this doesn't fix in the typical "branch and cut" framework.  Also, my cuts are problem specific (think TSP subtours), so the cut generation libraries won't help.

Given that problem, what COIN package would you start with?  In the branch and cut land, you have BCP, CBC, SYMPHONY, and ABACUS.  Or I could just use CLP or OSI with CLP.  All I really need is a good cut manager or cut pool.  I'd get those with the B&C packages, but there would be a lot of them tied to branch and bound.   I'm not sure if it is easier to ignore the parts that don't apply, or build my own cut management in CLP.  

Thanks for any advice.

-Craig Schmidt

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