[Coin-discuss] begging for changelog entries

Sebastian Nowozin nowozin at gmail.com
Wed Oct 14 15:51:13 EDT 2009

Dear all,

Soeren Sonnenburg wrote:

> seeing a couple of minor updates in many coin-or packages, it would be
> great if some short changelog lines would document what has changed.
> Would that be possible please?

I second that wish.  There is so much great work and developing
happening in many of the COIN-OR packages.  But most of these are
visible to the COIN-OR developers only, in the form of the svn log.

  Why not have a NEWS file as many open source packages have (GLPK for
example), that summarizes the main points of each release in a few
lines, much like a high-level ChangeLog.  The description of the changes
could be understood by end users and they can consider upgrading.

  (Also, announcing new releases would be merely a copy-paste email from
the coarse changelog.  Are major releases of COIN-OR packages announced?
 I have only seen Ipopt announcements in the past.)


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