[Coin-discuss] Inconsistency between Osi Solves

Pedro Teixeira pedro.t at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 14:55:16 EST 2008


I am new to coin-or and not sure if this is the appropriate list to
post. I'm getting very different solutions when using the same model
but switching from OsiClpSolverInterface and OsiSymSolverInterface.

my current usage is simple:

si->loadFromCoinModel(model , true);

With ClpSolver, it takes much more time and I get (for illustration):
Search took 43600 iterations and 7302 nodes
Clp0000I Optimal - objective value 115

However, with SymSolver I get the result instantaneously:
Solution Found: Node 1, Level 1
Solution Cost: 10.000

Shouldn't I get the same results? Or is there any known issues with Osi?
Can anyone shed in any light?


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