[Coin-discuss] Setting parameters of Cbc

Lou Hafer lou at cs.sfu.ca
Wed Feb 6 14:30:19 EST 2008


	Using OsiCbc.setHintParam to reduce the print level can certainly be
made to work.  Mostly.  Sort of.  Cbc has it's own notion of how a change in log
level should propagate to the underlying LP solver.  The problem is that OsiCbc
was a quick adaptation of a standard OSI, and it (mostly) talks to the
underlying LP solver, as opposed to cbc.  The problem, as has been stated
several times in the past, is that the intersection of { people willing and able
to work on OsiCbc } and { people who think OsiCbc is a good idea } is the empty
set.  The semantics of many of the OSI methods should fundamentally change if
OsiCbc is really controlling the underlying cbc solver.


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