[Coin-discuss] Open-source Modeling Languages

Jun Ma maj at northwestern.edu
Tue Nov 20 14:41:16 EST 2007

Hope it's lot a late response; I was on a trip out of town. I think most of 
your questions are being answered. But let me just quickly clarify the 
following question first:

> 1. Will it be open-source?  (its listed under "products" instead of 
> "standards")
Yes, it is open-source under CPL.
When we say "products", we mean it is not a standard. Although OSmL uses the 
OSxL naming convention, yet unlike other OSxL, it is NOT intended to be a 
standard. I don't think any modelinng system/language can be made as a 
standard as they are facing directly with the users and different users have 
different tastes.

Think of OSmL as a naturally derived modeling system product (in research 
phase) that nativly output the standard OSiL.

Jun Ma

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