[Coin-discuss] WAS: re: parameter passing -- about boost/graph

hpwalton at comcast.net hpwalton at comcast.net
Fri Feb 9 17:53:54 EST 2007

> Also -- boost/graph is really nice.

Yes, it is rich in features.

No, it is not "really nice" in my professional opinion.

It is very difficult to get to build, much less integrate into commercial software in a way that is supportable in mainstream development.  Consider the compilcations of getting a reliable build environment that integrates with Visual Studio 8 and .Net managed C++ code.  Yuck!

Had they used "normal" build tools, I would agree with you.

There is a Graph library in COIN as well.  It is known as CGC.  It is nowhere near as complete as the boost graph library.  Are there features which are missing which you want?  
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