[Coin-discuss] Getting information from an infeasible problem (OSI or CLP)

Kish Shen kish.shen at crosscoreop.com
Thu Dec 20 10:54:00 EST 2007


Currently, when a problem is infeasible, I do not return any further information about the
problem. However, it would be nice if more information can be returned -- both CPLEX and 
Xpress seem to provide functionality for this -- Xpress can find an IIS (`Irreducible 
Infeasible Set' ,  and CPLEX provides a `conflict refiner', which according to their documentation
is similar to finding an IIS, but is more general (applicable to MIP infeasibility as well). 

Is similar functionality provided by the COIN libraries? Ideally, this would be via OSI, so it is 
available to different solvers, but otherwise through the solver itself, in particular CLP 
(and CBC and SYMPHONY). I took a look at the CLP/OSI documentation, but could not find

Thanks in advance for any information!


Kish Shen

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