[Coin-discuss] Query: Problems with gzip'd i/o, CoinUtils, Cygwin/minGW/Win2K

Lou Hafer lou at cs.sfu.ca
Tue Oct 17 14:46:15 EDT 2006


	I'm seeing a failure of the CoinUtils unit test.  The base o/s is
Windows 2000.  The build is done in cygwin, but the -mnocygwin compile flag
means that (if I understand correctly) execution occurs in the minGW

	The unit test failure occurs when trying to read 25fv47.mps.gz, but the
Osi unit test fails in the same manner on a different gzip'd file.  (Note:
Symbolic links also fail in this environment; assume a full copy of the file
replaces the symbolic link.)  Mps input fails with a `bad card image' error.
Some poking around reveals that input is ok for a while (about 100 lines) and
then becomes corrupted.  The problem looks to be deep --- down in
CoinGzipFileInput or CoinGetslessFileInput, perhaps in the gz libraries.

	Before I spend more time on this, I have two questions:

  * Does anyone see this problem with Windows XP?
  * Does anyone actually use the Cygwin/Win2K environment?

No to both questions says this bug probably isn't worth fixing, given the
relatively simple work-around (copy and unzip files before use).  If the same
bug shows with XP, then it's probably worth pursuing.


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