[Coin-discuss] How do I "speed up" CBC?

WoelliUSM at aol.com WoelliUSM at aol.com
Mon Oct 2 14:18:42 EDT 2006

Dear all,
I got a question concerning the performance of the CBC-solver. I use  FlopC++ 
in combination with CBC under Linux and my professor GAMS with CBC under  
Windows. We use the same test instances, but there are dramatic differences of  
the performances of CBC. 
After the generation of a test instance (does not matter whether FlopC++ or  
GAMS), it takes only seconds for him to solve the problem. I need much, much,  
much more time. 
One test instance has about 660000 non-zeros in the coefficient matrix. It  
takes about 250 seconds to solve on his computer, and I get the message  
Where can be a software difference? Are there different starting  parameters? 
We both did not change CBC after downloading, we just connected them  to 
There is only one difference of the computers we use. We both have a 3GHZ  
Inter Pentium 4, but I just got 1GB RAM, whereas he got 4GB RAM!
Is that the answer to the question above?
Thanks in advance,
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