[Coin-discuss] Osi question: how to use copyParameters

Kish Shen kish.shen at crosscoreop.com
Tue Nov 28 11:46:13 EST 2006


I asked this question a couple of months ago, but didn't get any replies. I am looking at this again,
so I thought I should ask the question again.

What exactly does copyParameters() in OsiSolverInterface do? The Doxygen doc does not give
any description, but from the name, and from looking at the code, 


parameters values are copied into Solver2 from Solver1.

However, when I tested the code, the parameters from Solver2 does not seem to be copied to
Solver1, nor are the parameters of Solver1 copied to Solver2. I checked this by printing
a parameter value (OsiMaxNumIteration) for both Solver1 and Solver2 before and after
the call to copyParameters, and the parameter value for both solvers are unchanged.

Am I not understanding what copyParameters() is doing, or am I using it incorrectly?

Thanks in advance,

Kish Shen

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