[Coin-discuss] Compile BCP 1.0.0 with mpich

Laszlo Ladanyi ladanyi at us.ibm.com
Thu Nov 23 23:52:27 EST 2006

Hi Dan,

The "configure: error: Cannot find symbol MPI_Irecv with MPI" simply means
that the configure script couldn't link a simple executable that had a simgle
MPI_Irecv() call in its main function. You need to check the output of "mpicc
-link_info". Don't bother with the -D flags, mpi was compiled with autotools,
too, and Coin's configure should find the same definitions. But do look at
what libs does it return. Those are the libs you need to link against if you
are not using the mpicc/mpicxx script to compile and link C/C++ code, and
Coin's configure scripts do not use those scripts. My best guess is that you
need to link against at least the pthread lib as well as against mpich.
Supposing you get back:

elrond:~$ mpicc -link_info
-L/usr/lib/mpich-shmem/lib -lmpich-shmem -lpthread -lrt

Then your configure command line would be:

../configure CXX=g++ CC=gcc --enable-static=yes
--with-mpi-lib="-L/usr/lib/mpich-shmem/lib -lmpich-shmem -lpthread -lrt"

Let me know if this works.


If that doesn't work then check that 

On Thu, 23 Nov 2006, Dan Chen wrote:

> Hello everyone,
>   I am trying to compile Bcp with mpich. When I configue with the following command:
>   ../configure CXX=g++ CC=gcc --enable-static=yes --with-mpi-incdir=/opt/mpich-mx/include/ --with-mpi-lib="/opt/mpich-mx/lib/libmpich.a"
>   I got the following error message:
>   checking if user provides library for Mpi... yes
> checking for /opt/mpich-mx/include/mpi.h... yes
> checking whether symbol MPI_Irecv is available with MPI... no
> configure: error: Cannot find symbol MPI_Irecv with MPI
> configure: error: /bin/bash '../../Bcp/configure' failed for Bcp
>   Can anybody tell me what is wrong?
>   Thanks!
>   Dan
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