[Coin-discuss] Finding libs at run time and Cbc/Dylp

Francois Margot fmargot at andrew.cmu.edu
Sat Mar 25 10:08:56 EST 2006

I jut downloaded COIN this morning from cvs. Several changes have
been made to the makefiles, apparently.

After compiling several COIN packages (Bcp, Cbc) with all the defaults
Linux settings (including SHARED libraries), they are not able to find
the libraries in COIN/lib at run time. I have to add COIN/lib to 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH to run them successfully. This happens on RedHat Enterprise
Linux and Fedora Core 3 using gcc3.2.

I never noticed that before (but I usually work with STATIC libs). 
Am I the only one experiencing this? If not, either the installation 
procedures should indicate modifying LD_LIBRARY_PATH (as far as I know, 
none of the INSTALL files mention this, and  this is not mentioned in 
the FAQs either) or some changes in the makefiles are necessary.

Second, why should Dylp be installed to compile Cbc? Removing Dylp from the


and replacing

cbcDefaultSolver := dylp


cbcDefaultSolver := clp

in COIN/Cbc/Makefile

seems to work fine. It would be better either to install Dylp by default
in COIN/Makefiles/Makefile.location, or to remove Dylp from the defaults
in COIN/Cbc/Makefile. A very quick look makes me believe that only
the code in Coin/Cbc/Test uses (possibly) Dylp. Forcing the installation
of Dylp for the Cbc library seems a little bit strange.


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