[Coin-discuss] Suggestions on how to go about tuning?

Darla and Philip Walton hpwalton at comcast.net
Thu Jun 1 20:46:23 EDT 2006

Thanks for the replies!

I included the 3 responses at the bottom for completeness...

I'll send you an MPS probably tomorrow.  I'm more interested in the process than the particular answer in this case...
What do I look for?  What knob do I twist?  more below
I know that nobody has all the answers...and I'm sure the tool at hand is more flexible than it appears.  

Michael and Weiguo:
These are "off the top" things.  At some point you're stuck with branch and cut...
I absolutely agree: 1) get a heuristic answer, and 2) get your bounds as tight as possible to start with...
I would also add, 3) know as much as possible about the data before you start.... (see zero-cost-cliques below)
Those 3 will absolutely make a dramatic difference.
What I'm asking for is more in terms of how to make CBC run faster based on the problem in hand.
e.g. What metrics of the matrix drive what settings in the parameters?  In what conditions should I apply XYZ heuristic?  

I thought saw a reference in my web-surfing for auto-setting parameters somewhere....Brady H maybe?  That is probably part of what I'm looking for
...not sure it's all though.

Through digging in the samples, I found 2 things I could use which made differences...(and they do :-D  )
-- SOS constraints (type 1)
-- "Make round up more attractive (in longthin.cpp or crew.cpp?)" -- pseudocosts
-- tell CBC in the compile that it's using CLP.  This got me quite a bit of speed as well.  Bummer it isn't "out of the box" that fast.

I bumbled around and added SOS & pseudocosts in the wrong order and it crashed...but I eventually made it apparently better...I found that SOS is a bit flaky and apparently must go last?  Odd that.  This bit is what prompted the first posting.

Maybe I should rephrase the question:
- How do I go about finding the knobs on the machine which I can twist?
- How do I more quickly understand what the knobs do?  

Here is an example of what I'd like to use, which I won't try because of the limits on my time.  
There is a comment in a sample something like this:...
"Adding appropriate weights such as time or cost dramatically improves SOS behavior"....so how do I figure out what a good set of weights are on one SOS constraint over the graph I'm using.  The modeling aspects aside, there are also SOS priorities.  Are those the key?  What settings imply what behavior?  I can certainly go through code that implements them, but that would be the purpose of the library right?  So that I don't have to fully embrace the implementation in order to use it.

I believe I've found the cause of my current woes...it was a source data issue...basically, there were 3 sets of data-identical nodes...which had zero costs within the groups.  (some nasty little zero-cost-cliques). The impact was a LOT of tailing as CBC did a lot of swapping of the order in those sets trying to find an improvement.  I'm writing some code to bulid "super nodes(arcs?)" from the zero cost cliques in pre-processing and then restore them out in postprocessing.  This will shrink the problem size dramatically, and reduce the swapping of equal-value-solutions.

It does bug me, however, that another solver was in minutes rather than hours....
I'm guess 2 things:
- Preprocessor?  (might fight the zero-cost clique even though I didnt' tell the solver it was a graph of sorts?)..hmmm...probably something else it found.
- Auto-setting of certain parameters?

I know CLP may not be the fastest horse on the track, but it comes from good breeding stock.  CLP is not really the cause here I don't think.
So, I believe it to be CBC.  That being the case, who's workin' on the pre-processor?!  Do they need some extra hands?

Cheers! and Thanks!

From: Michael Hennebry :
"...The question is how should CBC find the correct foot?
Possibly the best way is to find an initial feasible
solution from a heuristic and tell CBC that you want
a solution at least that good...."

From: "Weiguo Liu":
But yes, if you have a good initial IP solution, you can guide CBC with your solution in hope that this is a "good footing". Certainly in general it is hard to find an "good" initial solution. Usually you can not tell if a heuristic solution is good or not. But you can always tell CBC the objective value of the solution in order to reduce the initial gap between lower and upper bounds. The performance of the B&B is largely affected by this gap. 
The other thing you may be able to do is when you know what is wrong with the CBC's initial solution. For example, one arc can never be in an optimization solution, then you can fix the variable (force this arc to be 0), before starts the branch and bound. 

From: John J Forrest :
"...If you can send me the model I will look at it and try and document the 
way I tuned it.  I might include such an example in my tutorial at DIMACS 
workshop if people think that a good idea.


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