[Coin-discuss] Re: Still Installation Problems

WoelliUSM at aol.com WoelliUSM at aol.com
Sat Jul 15 07:17:00 EDT 2006

Dear all,
thanks for all your help and advices! I downloaded the newest CBC and tried  
to install it on Suse Linux 10.1 and cygwin under windows as well. 
I did not have any problems with Linux. Everything works fine. 
I got problems with cygwin. The cygwin version I got from the internet is a  
about three days old. I downloaded and installed everything only from "Base" 
and  "Devel". The rest were default. Configuring and the first "make" were no  
problem, but "make install" failed all the time. But as long as my Linux 
version  works, I'll be fine... 
If someone knows why
make[1]: Entering  directory
.deps/CbcorClpParam.Po:1:  ***multiple target patterns. Stop.
make[1]:Leaving  directory
make:  ***[all-recursive]Error 1
happens all the time, please let me know!
Thanks for all,
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