[Coin-discuss] Re: Coin-discuss Digest, Vol 15, Issue 16

WoelliUSM at aol.com WoelliUSM at aol.com
Sun Jan 29 08:46:50 EST 2006

Thank you for your fast reply!
I am sorry, if I got all wrong. I tried to use gnu because building with  
visual c++.net didn't work out.
I spend the last hours with downloading COIN through WINCVS.
When I start "startMSDevStudio", Visual Studio.net asks me to convert the  
files. I agree and then the first error message occurs:
"The project file 'C:\coin\clp\samples\osiDylpLib\osiDylpLib.dsp' has  errors 
and can't be opened"
Does this error apear usig vs 6?
Ignoring the non-existing "osiDylpLib", I tried to build the other projects  
with vs.net. Some worked, some failed. CbcSamplesSample2, cglunitTest for 
eample  failed because they can't find  'oslmd6030.lib'. 
Is this an Visual c++.net-building error? Has the download been  incorrect?
The building of "clpsamplesminimum" worked. But it can't open the  
p0033.mps-file, though its in the correct place. No example of any project  works.
This leds me to my last question. I am used to work with GAMS. Formulating  a 
model looks like 
" sum(r,sum(t,sum(c,sum(d$DC(d,c),sum(g$DG(d,g),  pi(r,t,d,g)*x(r,t,d,g))))))
+ sum(r,sum(t,sr(r)*u(r,t)))
+  sum(k,sum(t,sk(k)*w(k,t)))
+ sum(p,sum(t,sp(p)*q(p,t)))=e=F;"
As I understand the work of coin, the model are in .mps-files. When I take  a 
look into the .mps-files, I can't discover anything like this equation. I  
really don't have a clue how to translate that into "COIN-Language".
I feel very sorry to ask this basic stuff in that mailing list, but it is  my 
last option. The last days, I spend hours and hours to learn more and more  
about this programm. But as I didn't find some kind of tutorial for beginners 
on  the web and also the strategy "trial and error" failed, I had to post these 
 questions in that mailing group, knowing that it is a place for advanced  
I am very thankful for any suggestions or advices!
Thanks in advance,
Christian Woellenstein
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