[Coin-discuss] Re: Problem compiling OsiCuts under MS VC++ 2005 (Compiler Level

hpwalton at comcast.net hpwalton at comcast.net
Thu Apr 27 11:58:41 EDT 2006

This was from Apr 4 from :
stefano_gliozzi at it.ibm.com 

Hi all, 
I'm having some problems in compiling any optimization code which includes 
   osicuts.hpp . 

The MS VC++ 2005 compiler, complains on the following definition: 

const OsiCut * OsiCuts::mostEffectiveCutPtr() const 
  const_iterator b=begin();
  const_iterator e=end();
  return *(std::min_element(b,e,OsiCutCompare()));

and the issue ssems to be that b and e are not of iterator class, as 
expected, but  are const_iterator and the compiler does not know how to 
treat them 


Well, they are an interator, but a COIN-invented one ;-)  .  We can "make it work" for MSVC (might not work everywhere, and I haven't verified it breaks anything) by adding the following new lines in the code in COIN/Osi/include/OsiCust.hpp:
#include "CoinFloatEqual.hpp"
#include <iterator> << NEW LINE
   class const_iterator {
      friend class OsiCuts;
   typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category; <<NEW LINE
   typedef OsiCut* value_type;<<NEW LINE
   typedef size_t difference_type;<<NEW LINE
   typedef OsiCut ** pointer;<<NEW LINE
   typedef OsiCut *& reference;<<NEW LINE

      const_iterator(const OsiCuts& cuts);

I suspect this is compatible with other compilers as it is adding traits to the iterator.

I've done a port to Vis Studio 2005 and it seems to work reasonably well. 
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