[Coin-discuss] COIN-OR Technical Reports?

bremner at unb.ca bremner at unb.ca
Fri Nov 18 06:26:16 EST 2005

I second Leo's remarks that it is not clear you mean technical reports
in the traditional sense, and add that people don't really get much
credit for technical reports either.  

But if you do want technical reports, I think the arxiv
(www.arxiv.org) is worth thinking about.  Consider the model of


Anyway, if what you want is an online journal that could be possible
too, but would be more work.

-------------- next part --------------
David Bremner                        Associate Professor, UNB Computer Science
bremner at unb.ca                              Cross Appointment, UNB Mathematics
+1 (506) 447 3300                     Atlantic Scientific Director, MITACS NCE
http://www.cs.unb.ca/~bremner                             http://www.mitacs.ca

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