[Coin-discuss] Osi and Add/Delete rows

Jan-Willem Goossens j.goossens at t75.nl
Fri Nov 4 09:12:34 EST 2005

Hi all,

I have a question about adding and deleting rows through the
osisolverinterface layer.

I start with loading my problem with loadProblem. After that, of course,
the actual adding or deleting of a row is no problem; just calling addRow
or deleteRow works fine.

My problem is with the offsets (index numbers) of the old and new rows.
Since I can only retreive, for example, price info for a particular row
with getRowPrice() if I know the index of the row I'm interested in, it's
crucial that, in case of some deleted rows, I can update my recorded index

One way for me to do this accounting would be to assume that if I remove
row i, then all rows j > i will all be moved 'back' one position. But this
would depend on the implementation of the deleteRow on the solver-specific
side. For additions, I guess it's OK to assume they will be added 'at the

Or is there a completely different way around this problem?

Thanks in advance,


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