[Coin-discuss] CglProbing crashes

Ted Ralphs tkralphs at lehigh.edu
Thu Mar 3 13:37:51 EST 2005


I solved the issue with Cgl crashing. If I rebuild SYMPHONY from scratch 
(i.e., "make clean" and then "make") *after* building the updated 
version of the Cgl shared library, it works. I was using a version of 
SYMPHONY built while an older version of the Cgl library was present. 
After building the new Cgl library, SYMPHONY crashes when linking at 
runtime. Building SYMPHONY in the presence of the new shared library 
fixes the problem. Since Cgl is a shared library, this doesn't make 
complete sense to me. I thought a shared library could be updated 
without rebuilding all the codes that linked to it. I suppose that there 
must be some information about the shared library inserted into the 
binary at link time that becomes obsolete when the library is updated? I 
  don't have a good sense for how this works. If anyone knows, feel free 
to share.


Dr. Ted Ralphs
Assistant Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Lehigh University
tkralphs at lehigh.edu

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