[Coin-discuss] Compiling Osi with gcc 2.95.3

Michael Hennebry hennebry at web.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu
Fri Feb 18 16:37:51 EST 2005

On Fri, 18 Feb 2005, Lou Hafer wrote:

> Ted, John,
> 	I added the using declarations to suppress warnings from the Forte
> C++ compiler which complained that the more local declarations were hiding
> less local declarations. In effect, using brings the other declaration into
> scope for consideration in overload resolution. (Vague, I know. Will try to
> generate an example, but need to go and lecture just now.) Can't recall that
> I ever found a case where the code behaved incorrectly. It was strictly a
> matter of reducing compile time warnings.

A name in a derived class is supposed
to hide the same name in its base class.

class Base {
    virtual bool fred(const Base &rhs) const;
} ;

class Derived : public Base {
    // using Base::fred;
    virtual bool fred(const Derived &rhs) const; // hides Base::fred
} ;

Derived dl, dr;
Base    bl, br;
bl.fred(br);  // refers to Base::fred
dl.fred(dr);  // refers to Derived::fred
bl.fred(dr);  // should not compile without using
              // with using, refers to Base::fred
dl.fred(br);  // I'm not sure if this should compile
              // might be compiled as static_cast<Base &>(dl).fred(br)
              // or as Base(dl)->fred(br)
              // it might matter whether fred is an operator

In none of the above cases does the virtualness of fred matter.

Mike   hennebry at web.cs.ndsu.NoDak.edu
"Our gods are dead.  Ancient Klingon warriors slew them
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