[Coin-discuss] CoinZero

Matthew Galati magh at lehigh.edu
Wed Dec 17 23:08:06 EST 2003

In Coin/include/CoinHelperFunctions.hpp, it looks like there is a faster 
replacement CoinZero for CoinFill (fill an array with a given value).  
However, the new method (CoinZero) calls CoinZeroN with 3 arguments 
(start, size, value) while the CoinZeroN method only accepts 2 arguments 
(start, size). As the name suggests, it assumes the value = 0. Since its 
templated, the compiler didn't pick this up when building the library - 
but you can see it by trying to instantiate CoinZero.


Matthew Galati
ISE Lehigh University
IBM Service Parts Solutions
610.758.4042 (Office)
610.882.0779 (Home)
magh at lehigh.edu, magal11 at us.ibm.com

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