[Coin-discuss] AAP_BP example

Matthew Galati magh at lehigh.edu
Mon Dec 1 17:20:58 EST 2003

>[work at localhost AAP_BP]$ uname -a
>Linux localhost.localdomain 2.4.20-8 #1 Thu Mar 13 17:18:24 EST 2003
>i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
>[work at localhost AAP_BP]$ rpm -q glibc
>If you need more information you have to tell me. As I wrote earlier I
>am from the opposite island where we run Windows (no it's not better).
>So I have not much knowledge about system dependent stuff on Linux.

Nope. That is as far as I can help on this issue. I am also using the 
academic version. The OSL folks will have to let us know if there is a 
newer version that works with glibc-2.3, or if perhaps the issue might 
lie somewhere else. I only guessed that the issue was with glibc given 
the stack trace that I posted earlier.

>As I mentioned I can run the problem file 6.1.aap with OSL when
>overriding AAP_datafile on the command line. When doing so, it takes 884
>sec to compute a solution value of 48 with OSL whereas CLP needs just
>0.6 sec to compute a solution value of 46 on the same system with the
>same glibc. Don't know if this is of interest. Do you get the same wrong
>solution on RH8 with OSL?

The optimal solution to 6.1 is 46. Running with OSL, I have a test case 
where the dual ray returned by OsiOsl's getDualRays does not provide a 
certificate of infeasiblity (at least in the sense I am using it to 
restore feasibility). So, using OSL, you will not get the right answer. 
I am going to take a more careful look at Osi's getDualRays at some 
point. Hopefully, someone out there has already done so and can comment.


Matthew Galati
ISE Lehigh University
IBM Service Parts Solutions
610.758.4042 (Office)
610.882.0779 (Home)
magh at lehigh.edu, magal11 at us.ibm.com

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