[Coin-discuss] VolLp now compile and works.

Daniele Ficcadenti danfic at libero.it
Fri Aug 30 14:48:39 EDT 2002

I found the solutions (I am not sure 100%) to the problems I exposed in my 
last 2 messages.

The first problem was relative to the makefile of VolLp example and the 
other one
was relative to the vollp.cpp file.

In the Makefile:

Laszlo Ladanyi added the following code to revision 1.6:

-------------------- BEGIN CODE ---------------------------------------
# See if zlib there (should we go for bzlib as well?)
ZlibIncDir := PROBE
ZlibLibDir := PROBE
ZlibLibName := libz.so libz.a

# You should not need to edit below this line.
--------------------- END CODE ----------------------------------------

The work is complete if you add, just at the bottom of the last 3 lines, 
this one:

-------------------- BEGIN CODE ---------------------------------------
include ${MakefileDir}/Makefile.detectZlib
--------------------- END CODE ----------------------------------------

This line is necessary if you want to activate the probing of zlib libraries.

After this modification, vollp.cpp compiles, but doesn't works, as explained in
my last post. So, you need to modify vollp.cpp file too.

In the vollp.cpp:

At the beginning of the file, you need to add these lines to "include section":

-------------------- BEGIN CODE ---------------------------------------
#elif defined(COIN_USE_VOL)
#include "OsiVolSolverInterface.hpp"
--------------------- END CODE ----------------------------------------

At the beginning of the main() method you need to add these lines, before the
"#else" clause:

-------------------- BEGIN CODE ---------------------------------------
#elif defined(COIN_USE_VOL)
    si = new OsiVolSolverInterface;
--------------------- END CODE ----------------------------------------

I don't know if the solutions I proposed are logically correct so I would 
like to
know what you think about them.

Ciao, Daniele.

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