[Coin-discuss] cvs for bonsai-osi

Stephen Tse stephentse at home.com
Wed Jul 25 19:48:36 EDT 2001

Hi Laci and everyone, Lou and I have developed a COIN-OSI wrapper for
our lp solver "bonsai". We'd like to integrate it into COIN project.

bonsai-osi is mostly completed: it implements most interfaces in the
cvs development branch and it passes all tests in
OsiSolverInterfaceTest and netlib. We think it is time to put it in
cvs with COIN and do a final integration test.

Could we apply for a new directory of cvs with write access? COIN/bonsai
will be an appropriate location. We isolate all interfaces and tests
in a single directory (unlike cpx, osl, vol, xpr) so we do not need
write access to other directories.

Best regards,

Lou Hafer
Stephen Tse

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