[Coin-discuss] Access to dual variable corresponding to a new row

Laszlo Ladanyi ladanyi at us.ibm.com
Wed Dec 5 14:12:04 EST 2001

Although it is not explicitly stated in the documentation I have always
assumed so far that new rows are added to the "bottom" of the matrix getting
the next so many indices and when rows are deleted the rows are reindexed from
0 to the new number of rows. Since it's the user who calls the row
addition/deletion routines she can easily keep track of the constraints. 

I admit it's a bit of a burden, but otherwise the row structure must contain
an index for each row and what would that index be? The index of the row from
the beginning of times? The user has to keep track of things in that case,
too, since probably a number of rows would be permanently thrown out, both
from the solver and from the user's data structures. 

All in all I'd vote for keeping things as they are, since it's not clear that
Osi can take easily over some work from the user.


On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, Mikhail Nediak wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a question about COIN/OSI.
> When I add rows to the LP (or cuts for that matter) is there a way in
> COIN/OSI to trace what indices they will have after subsequent operations
> on the matrix? This may be important, for example, if one needs values of
> dual variables for the cuts.
> CPLEX has function CPXgetrowindex that lets user find row index by its
> name. I could not, however, find anything of this sort in
> OsiSolverInterface. Does the user have to trace positions of the rows
> after matrix modifications by him/herself? It would seem reasonable for
> the solver to support this functionality.
> Thanks.
> Best regards,
> Mikhail Nediak
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