[Coin-discuss] Access to dual variable corresponding to a new row

Mikhail Nediak msnediak at rutcor.rutgers.edu
Wed Dec 5 13:41:39 EST 2001


I have a question about COIN/OSI.

When I add rows to the LP (or cuts for that matter) is there a way in
COIN/OSI to trace what indices they will have after subsequent operations
on the matrix? This may be important, for example, if one needs values of
dual variables for the cuts.

CPLEX has function CPXgetrowindex that lets user find row index by its
name. I could not, however, find anything of this sort in
OsiSolverInterface. Does the user have to trace positions of the rows
after matrix modifications by him/herself? It would seem reasonable for
the solver to support this functionality.

Best regards,
Mikhail Nediak

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