[Coin-announce] CMPL v.1.10.0 released
Mike Steglich
mike.steglich at th-wildau.de
Sat Jun 28 10:57:03 EDT 2014
Dear COIN-OR community,
I am pleased to announce the release of CMPL 1.10.0.
New main features and change log (full description ->http://www.coliop.org/changelog.html)
CMPLServer and CmplGrid (1.3.0)
A CMPLServer can now be used in a single server mode or in a grid mode.
The grid mode extends the single server mode by coupling CMPLServers from several locations and at
least one coordinating CMPLGridScheduler to one "virtual CMPLServer" as a grid computing system.
For the client there does not appear any difference whether there is a connection to a single
CMPLServer or to a CMPLGrid. The client's model is to be connected with the same functionalities
as for a single CMPLServer to a CMPLGridScheduler which is responsible for the load balancing
within the CMPLGrid and the assignment of the model to one of the connected CMPLServers.
After this step the client is automatically connected to the chosen CMPLServer and the
model can be solved synchronously or asynchronously.
A CMPLGrid can be used for handling a huge amount of large scale optimisation problems.
An example can be a simulation in which each agent has to solve its own optimisation problem at
several times. An additional example for such a CMPLGrid application is an optimisation
web portal that provides a huge amount of optimisation problems.
Problem waiting queues for CMPLServer and CMPLGridScheduler
If a problem is connected to a CMPLServer or a CMPLGridScheduler and the number of running problems
including the model sent is greater than number of problems that can be solved
simultaneously (defined in cmplServer.opt) it does not make sense to cancel the problem.
Especially in case of an iterating solving process with a couple of depending problems
it is the better way to refer the supernumerary problems automatically to the problem waiting queue.
For the single server mode the problem queue handling is organised by the CMPLServer
whilst in the grid mode the CMPLGridScheduler(s) is(are) responsible for it. In both modes
a problem stored in the problem waiting queue has to wait until an empty solving
slot is available or the maximum queuing time is reached.
Changes in CMPLServer script:
Usage: cmplServer <command> [<port>] [-showLog]
-start - starts as single CMPLServer
-startInGrid - starts CMPLServer and connects to CMPLGrid
-startScheduler - starts as CMPLGridScheduler
-stop - stops CMPLServer or CMPLGridScheduler
-status - returns the status of the CMPLServer or CMPLGridScheduler
port - defines CMPLServer's or CMPLGridScheduler's port
-showLog - shows the CMPLServer or CMPLGridScheduler log file (only Mac and Linux)
New arguments and changes in cmplServer.opt:
maxProblems = <x>
Defines how many problems can be carried out simultaneously.
If more problems than maxProblems are connected with the
CMPLServer the supernumerary problems are assigned to the problem waiting queue
maxServerTries = <x>
Since CMPLGridSchedulers and CMPLServers have to call server functions mutually
it is necessary to ensure a high availability and failover by repeating failed CMPLServer
calls whereby the number of tries are specified by the parameter maxServerTries.
serviceIntervall = <x>
Time in seconds between to iterations of the CMPLServer service thread
schedulerServiceIntervall = <x>
Time in seconds between to iterations of the CMPLGridScheduler service thread
performanceIndex = <x>
Assuming heterogeneous hardware for the CMPLServers in a CMPLGrid it is necessary
for a reasonable load balancing to identify several performance levels of the invoked
CMPLServers. This can be done by the parameter performanceIndex that influences the
load balancing function directly.
solvers = <solverName1> [<solverName2> ...]
Specifies which solvers in the set of the installed solvers can be provided by the CMPLServer.
cmplGridScheduler = <url> <maxproblems>
Specifies the CMPLGridScheduler to which the CMPLServer is to be connected.
The first argument is the URL of the scheduler. The second parameter defines
the maximum number of problems that the CMPLServer provides to this CMPLGridScheduler.
If a CMPLServer should be connected to more than one scheduler one entry per
CMPLGridScheduler is required.
pyCMPL (v.1.3.0) and jCMPL (v.1.2.0)
For both APIs the CMPLServer client is expanded for the new CMPLGrid mode and the problem waiting queue.
CMPL (1.10.0)
New command line arguments due to the new CMPLServer modes:
-maxServerTries <x> : maximum number of tries of failed CmplServer calls
-maxQueuingTime <x> : maximum time in <x> seconds that a problem waits in a CmplServer queue
Cmpl script for Mac, Linux and Windows - some minor changes due to the new CMPLServer modes
The Manual is available at http://www.coliop.org/_download/CMPL.pdf.
The Binaries are available at www.coliop.org/download.html.
Source code
can be obtained by checking out the source code using a subversion client.
svn co https://projects.coin-or.org/svn/Cmpl/releases/1.10.0 CMPL
Mailing list and support
If you are interested to get a direct support, to post bugs or to communicate wishes then please use our CMPL mailing list hosted at COIN-OR http://list.coin-or.org/mailman/listinfo/Cmpl
For more information please visit www.coliop.org and projects.coin-or.org/Cmpl.
Mike Steglich
Cmpl mailing list
Cmpl at list.coin-or.org
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