Call for open-source sessions, INFORMS International,
Puerto Rico 8-11 July
Robert Fourer
4er at iems.northwestern.edu
Mon Jan 15 16:47:53 EST 2007
Cluster on
INFORMS International Meeting
Puerto Rico, USA, July 8-11, 2007
Conference website -- http://meetings.informs.org/PuertoRico07
Cluster organizer -- Bob Fourer, 4er at iems.northwestern.edu
This is a call for sessions to be included in the SOFTWARE FOR OR/MS cluster at
this summer's INFORMS International Meeting, in the areas of
-- open source software for OR/MS
-- COIN-OR projects relevant to OR/MS
Presentations will be typically three or four per 90-minute session. Each
participant may be entered as the speaker for one presentation (but may be
listed as a co-author on any number of presentations by other speakers).
TO ORGANIZE A SESSION for this cluster, send your name, tentative session
title, and a brief explanation (if the content is not clear from the title) to
the cluster organizer. You will then be entered into the conference's online
management system, and you will receive instructions for entering your
session(s) or presentation through the conference's website.
IF YOU HAVE A TALK AND ARE LOOKING FOR A SESSION in one of these areas, send
your name, title, and abstract, and you will be matched with an appropriate
session as nearly as possible.
QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS may be directed to the cluster organizer at
+1 847-491-3151 or 4er at iems.northwestern.edu.
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