[Clp] Basis maintenance in presolve

Rune Møller Jensen rmj at itu.dk
Tue Apr 6 05:03:08 EDT 2010



We are currently implementing some specialized presolve actions. We want
these to maintain a basis of the original model as is already done by the

presolve actions.  However, it is not clear to us how this actually happens.
For instance, for a forcing constraint like


2x + 4y <= 0  ,   0 <= x,  0 <= y


it seems that Clp presolve first fixes x and y at zero and removes them from
the matrix and after that removes the row since it has become empty. But
what if x or y are basis variables? Also every time, we remove a row, we
cause the basis columns to become linearly dependent, so which column should
we remove from the basis?


Basis maintenance in presolve seems non-trivial, but we have not been able
to find any literature discussing the issue.


Is there a simple answer to how this is done or do you know a good ref
describing how to do it? (The presolve source code refers to some article
here and there. Would that be Andersen & Andersen?).


Any help on this is greatly appreciated!


Best regards



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