[Clp] Problem infeasible after fast dual although only bound changed?

Sebastian Theophil stheophil at think-cell.com
Tue Jul 21 12:30:02 EDT 2009

Hi John,



further testing seems to show my idea is correct.


Instead of updating the lower bound only I should update the bound & the
column solution accordingly (possibly making the solution primal


This means I should calculate the new solution as B^{-1} b, i.e., as the
product of the basis matrix inverse and the new RHS. 

I know that getBInvCol returns a column of B^{-1} and its row elements
are in order of the basis variables returned by getBasics(int*).

Is the order of the columns of getBInvCol somehow changed? 


If my new right hand side is

b' = b - (1, 0, 0 , ..., 0 ), 


i.e., I reduce the first entry by 1, I don't have to calculate the
multiplication B^{-1} b but instead, my new column solution is


x' = x - B^{-1}_1 


i.e., the old solution minus the first column of the basis inverse. I am
not sure about the sign though. In practice, it seems that adding
getBInvCol(R) to the solution works. Is this because I'm manipulating
the lower bound? 


What I do now is the following:







            for(int nRow=0; nRow<solver.getNumRows(); ++nRow) {

if(abs(solver.getRowPrice()[nRow])>gvEPSILON_CONSTRAINT) {

                        solver.setRowLower( nRow,
solver.getRowLower()[nRow]-1.0 );


                        solver.getBInvCol(nRow, &vecfBInvCol[0]);


itnBasic=vecnBasics.begin(); itnBasic!=vecnBasics.end(); ++itnBasic,
++itfBInvCol) {

solver.getModelPtr()->solutionRegion()[*itnBasic] += *itfBInvCol;










I only need the enableSimplexInterface call, because I need to call
getBasics(). If I don't call enableSimplexInterface,
ClpModel::pivotVariable_ is NULL. Is there another solution like setting
some option so the solver keeps pivotVariable_ around? 


Thanks a lot,



From: Sebastian Theophil 
Sent: Dienstag, 21. Juli 2009 17:21
To: 'John J Forrest'
Cc: clp at list.coin-or.org
Subject: RE: [Clp] Problem infeasible after fast dual although only
bound changed?




the problem is solved first and then I reduce the lower bound of a
constraint with dual value > 0.0. 

Thus, the previous dual solution is not optimal anymore because the
complementary slackness property is violated. Both dual value and
associated slack are != 0. 


The problem itself is still feasible of course. I have checked now what
fastDual does internally, and although I don't understand why, it
returns "1" to indicate the problem is infeasible which (in my
opininion) it is not. 


Maybe fastDual isn't expected to do what I want it to do. Usually, when
the RHS vector b changes, the column solution x_b is updated with x_b =
B^{-1} b. The resulting x_b may be infeasible but the dual solution
stays (dual) feasible. A dual simplex step (or multiple) go back to a
primal and dual feasible solution. 


I do not update the column solution though. 




Sebastian Theophil . stheophil at think-cell.com
Software Engineer
think-cell Software GmbH . Invalidenstr. 34 . 10115 Berlin, Germany 
http://www.think-cell.com . phone +49-30-666473-10 . toll-free (US) +1-800-891-8091
Directors: Dr. Markus Hannebauer, Dr. Arno Schoedl . Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg, HRB 85229

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