[Clp] CLP dual obj value

John J Forrest jjforre at us.ibm.com
Fri Jul 11 09:17:17 EDT 2008


I am not sure, at least for dual simplex, that the two values would be 
different.  What exactly is the expression you want to compute?

The most flexible way of doing this would be to derive from 
ClpEventHandler and do the calculation at "endOfFactorization" using the 
internal arrays  djRegion() etc.  This would be threadsafe.

John Forrest

[Clp] CLP dual obj value

Jan-Willem Goossens 
07/10/2008 04:36 PM

Sent by:
clp-bounces at list.coin-or.org


I've been trying to find a way to retrieve the primal and dual objective 
function values during a CLP solve (using primal/dual simplex)

Getting the primal obj value is no problem (objectiveValue()),.
However, I havent found how to get the dual obj value (once/when 
Can this be retrieved directly?

The idea is to use these two, or the number/sum of infeasibilities to come 

up with some kind of crude progress indicator during the solve (not unlike 

the standard barrier output does).

Are these methods thread-safe? Or should I use some callbacks to report 
value back?

Thanks for any help.

Jan-Willem Goossens

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