[Clp] Short naive CLP questions

Igor Mandel igor.mandel at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 15:48:08 EST 2008

Dear all,

I'm a poor first time CLP user, and my naive questions are:

1. What should I do to have not only the optimum objective function value,
but also values of variables associated with it? How to form a request for
that, both for NEOS server and/or for stand alone executable application?

2. How to get a primal and dual solutions of the same problem, again with
variables values?

3. Does CLP detect Irreducable Infeasible Constarints sets (IIC) or
something like that and if yes, how should I call for that?

If someone is willing just to talk about these problems, I'll be more than
happy to call him/her any time. If somebody lives in Manhattan or Northern
NJ area and is willing to show me some stuff like that alive - again, I'll
be happy to go there.

Thank you so much for your help -

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