[Coin-lpsolver] getBInvRow() question

Gleb Belov gleb.belov at tu-dresden.de
Wed Sep 5 10:57:22 EDT 2007


I am new to CLP. I want to use it without OSI to save compilation time.
My problem concerns getBInvRow(). It returns just rows of the identity 
I solved my model by calling ClpSimplex::primal(0,7).

I looked at OsiClpSolverInterface::enableSimplexInterface(bool). As I 
understand, it disables scaling. Is it necessary for getBInvRow() to work?


Mit freundlichen Gruessen

G. Belov
Dr. Gleb Belov                                Gleb.Belov at tu-dresden.de
Wiss. Assistent                   http://www.math.tu-dresden.de/~belov
Technische Universitaet Dresden                 Tel: +49 351 463 34186
Institut fuer Numerische Mathematik             Fax: +49 351 463 34268
Mommsenstr. 13                            Tel. priv.:+49 351 3743754
01062 Dresden

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