[Coin-lpsolver] Question about Comiplieing and Header Files

J P Fasano jpfasano at us.ibm.com
Tue Jul 31 07:55:27 EDT 2007

>i am having trouble building project and
>compiling the code.
>i am using visual C++ express edition.

You should be able to build the Clp code by:

1. svn checkout https://projects.coin-or.org/svn/Clp/trunk coin-Clp-trunk

2. open the file coin-Clp-trunk/Clp/MSVisualStudio/v8/Clp.sln with
   visual studio C++ express edition. You can probably do this
   by navigating to the file in Windows Explorer and double clicking
   on the file.

3. From the menu bar select "Build" - "Batch Build", and then rebuild

I just tried this and was able to build without a problem.

You can find more details at https://projects.coin-or.org/MSVisualStudio


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