[Coin-lpsolver] min/max macros

David Ward davidjward30 at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 30 04:36:14 EST 2007


I am building under visual studio and find that the definitions of the 
min/max macros in CoinFinite.hpp to be quite troublesome when including 
other code. It would be nice if COIN code would build without defining 
min/max macros, or "using std::min/max" in (public) header files. The latter 
option is used for non-MS compilers.

I have ended up patching my local source and was wondering whether it would 
be possible to contribute my changes back into the trunk code. My changes 
are very similar to the way that the boost library handles it; i.e. to 
introduce a configuration macro "NO_STD_MIN_MAX".

I am able to verify my changes with Visual Studio 6,7 and 8.

Many thanks.


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