[Coin-lpsolver] ClpSolve problem

François Galea francois.galea at prism.uvsq.fr
Thu Jun 30 07:01:45 EDT 2005


I have met several segmentation fault errors, when I use the 
ClpSimplex::initialSolve( ClpSolve & ) method for starting a new solve.

The example attached program doesn't work, if I choose to switch 
presolve off. If I switch it on, everything works (provided the Clp 
sources have been patched with the patch I sent before, otherwise the 
names changes won't work). Some other pieces of code I've got crash even 
if I set presolve on.

I haven't understood enough the internals of ClpSimplex and ClpModel to 
be sure about what is wrong.

Could somebody tell me what's wrong ?



François Galea
Equipe OPALE - Laboratoire PRiSM
Université de Versailles-Saint Quentin en Yvelines
45 av Etats-Unis F-78035 Versailles CEDEX
Tél. : +33 1 39 25 40 50

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