[Coin-lpsolver] switching off output

Stefan Vigerske stefan at mathematik.hu-berlin.de
Fri Dec 9 16:08:56 EST 2005


I'm using the OsiClpSolverInterface to formulate my problem and I had a 
problem to switch off the output after I updated to a new version.
Setting the loglevel to zero using the message handler provided by my 
OsiClpSolverInterface object did not have any effect.
In OsiClpSolverInterface::initialSolve() I read
  int saveMessageLevel=modelPtr_->logLevel();

Hence, I seem to use the wrong message handler.
Setting the loglevel to zero for the message Handler which is provided from 
the ClpSimplex object provided by my OsiClpSolverInterface object due to a 
call of getModelPtr() seems to solve the problem.

Is this behaviour intended this way?


Stefan Vigerske
Humboldt University Berlin, Numerical Mathematics

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