[Coin-lpsolver] assertion "iPivot>=0" failed

Jean-Sebastien Roy js at jeannot.org
Wed Dec 29 12:13:50 EST 2004

Hi !

I'm using the Clp setBasisStatus function to suggest a basis to Clp,
and, using the latest version of Clp, I'm getting the following error :

assertion "iPivot>=0" failed: file "ClpSimplex.cpp", line 401

I did not get this error using the previous version I was using (at the 
begining of september), on the exact same LP problems.

There is probably a bug in my use of Clp, and I order to find it, I 
would be very grateful if someone could explain what this assertion 
means (and ideally provide a suggestion on how not to get the error...).

Thank you very much in advance,



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