[Coin-lpsolver] Problems to download COIN-OR library files

Robin Lougee-Heimer robinlh at us.ibm.com
Thu Apr 15 11:41:09 EDT 2004

----- Forwarded by Robin Lougee-Heimer/Watson/IBM on 04/15/2004 11:40 AM
                      "Bruno Padovini"                                                                                                  
                      <bruno.padovini at as        To:       Robin Lougee-Heimer/Watson/IBM at IBMUS                                          
                      cpoint.com>               cc:                                                                                     
                                                Subject:  Problems to download COIN-OR library files                                    
                      04/15/2004 11:09                                                                                                  

Hello everybody,
I tried to download the CLP tar.gz files but I received and error of "page
not found".
Do you know why? Notes I successfully download the CLP tar.gz files of the
CLP documentation and other tar.gz files from your FTP server.

Moreover I tried to download the source files using the WinCVS software. I
read on your FAQ the connection parameters to the CVS server, but I can't
connect because of a "passord error". I used the following procedure for

Select Cvs Admin and then Preferences. Set CVSROOT to
anonymous at www-124.ibm.com:/usr/cvs/coin
and select the aucthentication method to be
"passwd" file on the cvs server.
Select Cvs Admin and then Login. Use the password anonymous.
Select Cvs Admin and then Checkout module. Select the directory to store
the module to be checked out. When prompted enter one of the module names
given in the first part of the answer above.

Is there a mistake in my configuration of the WinCVS V.1.3?

Thank you for the help.

Bruno Padovini


Bruno Padovini

E-mail  : bruno.padovini at ascpoint.com

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