[Coin-lpsolver] compiling Clp with Cygwin on Windows

Tina Li thli at bioinformaticsSolutions.com
Thu Apr 1 14:58:56 EST 2004


Thanks for the hints. After much scouring around I found that my application
is multi-threaded while the libraries were compiled single-threaded. Just in
case anyone's interested in knowing, I changed all of their settings to
"debug multi-threaded DLL" which seems to do the trick.



-----Original Message-----
From: J P Fasano [mailto:jpfasano at us.ibm.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 3:40 PM
To: Tina Li
Cc: coin-lpsolver at www-124.southbury.usf.ibm.com
Subject: RE: [Coin-lpsolver] compiling Clp with Cygwin on Windows

Can you build one of the projects that links with coinLib.lib and
The projects named SbbSamplesSample2 and osiUnitTest link with these

If you can build one of these projects, then there is likely a difference
between the way you are building your application and the way
SbbSamplesSample2 is being built.
I would then investigate the settings of your project and the one
successfully buil, t to see what the differences are.

JP Fasano
jpfasano at us.ibm.com
(914)945-1324  (tie line 862-1324)
COIN www.coin-or.org

                      "Tina Li"
                      <thli at bioinformaticsSol        To:       J P
Fasano/Watson/IBM at IBMUS
                      utions.com>                    cc:
<coin-lpsolver at www-124.southbury.usf.ibm.com>
                                                     Subject:  RE:
[Coin-lpsolver] compiling Clp with Cygwin on Windows
                      03/31/2004 01:46 PM


Thanks for the help. I just read on the FAQ page that for Windows, "No
installation files are provided for now; follow the compilation procedure
the specific development environment you are using". Anyways, I downloaded
the full COIN source and built the library using the workspace and project
files in COIN/Win. But when I linked coinLib.lib and clpLib.lib (I'm only
using simple clp calls in the program) with my application it flagged the
following error:

"libcpmtd.lib(xlock.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: __thiscall
std::_Lockit::~_Lockit(void)" (??1_Lockit at std@@QAE at XZ) already defined in

Should I disable some default library?

Thanks again,


-----Original Message-----
From: J P Fasano [mailto:jpfasano at us.ibm.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 6:07 PM
To: Tina Li
Cc: coin-lpsolver at www-124.southbury.usf.ibm.com
Subject: Re: [Coin-lpsolver] compiling Clp with Cygwin on Windows

I would consider building CLP using Visual C++, especially since you are
going to use Visual C++ with your application anyway.
To build CLP using Visual C++ Version 6 see COIN/Win/readme.txt

JP Fasano
jpfasano at us.ibm.com
(914)945-1324  (tie line 862-1324)
COIN www.coin-or.org

|         |           "Tina Li"                             |
|         |           <thli at bioinformaticsSolutions.com>    |
|         |           Sent by:                              |
|         |           coin-lpsolver-admin at www-124.southbury.|
|         |           usf.ibm.com                           |
|         |                                                 |
|         |                                                 |
|         |           03/30/2004 05:36 PM                   |


  |       To:       <coin-lpsolver at www-124.southbury.usf.ibm.com>
  |       cc:
  |       Subject:  [Coin-lpsolver] compiling Clp with Cygwin on Windows




I'm trying to build the Clp library (as well as COIN's) with Cygwin, which
will then be used by an application compiled by Visual C++. I uncommented
the -mno-cygwin option in Makefiles/Makefile.CYGWIN but didn't get it to
build (it complained about some CoinIsnan not declared).  Does anyone know
of a quick way to get it working?



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