[Cbc] Cbc + openmp

Babak Moazzez bmoazzez at ucdavis.edu
Tue Apr 19 18:06:33 EDT 2016


 I am using Cbc solver with openmp in a c++ code in the following way:

OsiClpSolverInterface  s1;
OsiClpSolverInterface  s2;
OsiClpSolverInterface  s3;


CbcModel m1(s1);
CbcModel m2(s2);
CbcModel m3(s3);

put models in an array M;

#pragma omp parallel for
    for(int i=0; i<3; ++i)
          callCbc("some tuning",M[i])

So as you see, the three models are independent. tuning is different for
each thread.

My question is : Is it safe to do such thing? It seems that once a
parameter is set in callCbc in one thread, other threads have that argument
set too. Is it possible? Can I call different versions of callCbc
independently in different threads?

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