[Cbc] model->secondaryStatus()

Ivan Meireles Costa ivan.costa at gapso.com.br
Thu Mar 21 14:40:44 EDT 2013

Hi guys,

I trying to solve a small mip:

Max 2 x1 + x2 - 3 x3

subject to:
r1: 2 x1 + x2 >= 4
r2: 1 x1 + 4 x2 + 2 x3 = 5
r3: 3 x2 + x3 <= 7

x1 -> LB = 0
x2 -> LB = 0
x2 -> UB = 4
x3 -> UB = 5

I know it no have a optimal solution, but the
method model->secondaryStatus() returns 1 (1 linear relaxation not feasible
(or worse than cutoff) ).
However the problem is unbounded, i expected 7 (7 linear relaxation


*Ivan Meireles Costa*
*Analista de** otimização*
 *Telefone:* 31 3508-1323
 *Celular:* 31 9869-6987
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