[Cbc] Parallel CBC

David Ibarra Gómez (del Monte) dibarra21 at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 15 14:25:25 EST 2012

	I did tests using CBC (Cbc-2.7.5) and openMP to solve several problems (scenarios) in parallel. 
I did it using both windows (Visual Studio 2010) and Linux and it was possible because of the great "recipes" that you give in your page, thank you for that. And It works properly but I found something odd with the internal CBC timer. I measured the time taken by solving N problems with M Cores (threads) with time.h routines, everithing it's nice when I use one core (or thread) but gets strange if M>1, look the table:
M=N  time.h  CBC intenal timers---------------------------------1	57s	54s2	61s	110.79s,112.92s (two problems in parallel)3	61s	166s,172s,173s4 	62s	273s,239s,239s,240s5	91s	324s, ..., 369s...7	129s 	763.1s,771s, ..., 798s
Is It CBC time "correct"? What's the meaning? Why is It happening like that?
David Ibarra
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